Dear Parents/Carers,
Some of you maybe aware that there is another disturbing internet issue doing the rounds. This one is called 'Momo' and as the children in our school are already aware of it, we held an assembly yesterday for KS2 children (Years 3 to 6). We covered the following aspects:
1) Reminded children of Internet Safety and what to do if they see anything which is worrying or disturbing - TELL AN ADULT!
2) How useful the Internet is and its importance within our everyday lives.
KS1 will be having an assembly to discuss this at their level which will be led by Miss Rootes.
In our HoS Newsletter dated 23rd March 2018, we included the following on Internet Safety:
'As we know our children are subjected to a vast amount of information and have the ability to connect to the cyber world on a variety of gadgets. We cannot protect our children from undesirable material all of the time and subsequently by telling them they can't do or shouldn't do something often leads to them doing it!
Therefore, please remind your children that if they come across anything that is unpleasant or undesirable online, they need to inform an adult and that they will not get into any trouble. I know it is difficult to stay calm and not say "Why did you do that?", however, it is more important that our children know that it is safe for them to tell us something if it goes wrong.'
The safeguarding of your children is paramount to us and we really appreciate your help and support of the school in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the children.
Thank you