Term 6
Welcome to our new topic, Deep Blue Sea. In this final term we will be looking at all things Ocean related such as sea animals, pirates and mermaids. Some of the texts we will be sharing with the children will have an environmental theme, encouraging the children to think about the wider world and their impact on it.
Phonics and Literacy
This term we are revisiting all the sounds and words we have been taught so that we are ready for Year 1. We will be following some of the activities from Read Write Inc. so we are familiar with it for when we start Year 1. We will be sound talking and reading 'green' words containing the phonemes we have learnt and continuing to read books that contain the single sounds, digraphs or trigraphs we have remembered.
In Literacy we will be looking at creating fact sheets about the different animals we may find in the sea; understanding the importance of keeping plastics out of our Oceans and creating posters to teach people about this; writing about pirates and making treasure maps.
During our Maths sessions this term we will be focusing on sharing and grouping sets of objects through play activities. We will also be learning about the pattern of numbers that make up Odd and Even numbers as well as revisiting doubling, adding and subtraction through problem solving activities.