Maths intent statement
At Barming Primary School we follow the ‘Focus Maths Scheme’. Focus Maths has been designed to support teachers with the delivery of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum. The materials within Focus Maths help teachers to plan and deliver Mathematics teaching and learning in a way which is challenging and aligned with end of year curricular expectations. Focus Maths breaks down the Mathematics Curriculum so that teachers can plan for units of work in a manageable way. The structure for each year group is identical.
The focus Maths Scheme is…
The Focus Maths Scheme provides examples of questions to be taught, but does not provide a full lessons worth of activities as the Class Teacher needs to ensure the curriculum is adapted for the needs of their class. By having a scheme that is heavily prescriptive means that teachers tend to stick to it rigidly. At Barming Primary School, we do not feel this is good practice as ‘one size, does not fit all’. Therefore, teachers are supplied with the lesson overview, but they are required to find resources that fully develop the individual child’s knowledge and understanding of Mathematical concepts.
Each term has been designed with 12 blocks. It is acknowledged that the actual school year is slightly longer and this allows teachers flexibility to revisit and extend teaching blocks as required.
Planning Vs Preparation