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Barming Pre-School and Primary School

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible And Make Good Choices

Barming Pre-School and Primary School

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible And Make Good Choices

Term 3 Monday 6th January 2025 and finishes on Friday 14th February 2025
Welcome to Barming Pre-School and Primary School
We are a 2 form entry primary school on the outskirts of Maidstone. It is a co-educational school for children aged 2 to 11 years old. There are currently 416 children on roll.
A Message from the Headteacher
Barming Primary School has so much to offer. Everyone is welcome and children are encouraged to flourish and achieve their goals. Come and find out what we are all about!
Orchard Academy Trust
Barming Primary School is an Academy and is part of the Orchard Trust family of schools. The Trust currently consists of Allington Primary School and Barming Primary School.

Term 6

Term 6



Read Write Inc.

In Year 1, we follow the Read Write Inc. Phonics scheme of learning to introduce children to new sounds. Like all phonics schemes, it teaches children the sounds, the letters that represent them and how to form letters when writing. Read Write Inc. Phonics also involves reading books written using only the letters the children have learnt at each level and a small number of tricky words. Read Write Inc. sessions are taught on a daily basis. The picture below outlines the sounds which will be covered in each set. 



Have you heard of Fred Talk? 

During our daily speed sound sessions, the children will be introduced to a toy frog called Fred. To support the children to read unfamiliar words Fred can only say the sounds (segment) and needs help to read the whole word (blend). Fred will say the sounds and the children will need to work out the word. For example, Fred might say d-o-g and the children will say dog.  


If you would like more information about Read Write Inc., please follow the link below or speak to Mrs Hooker or Mr Edwards:



The topics we will cover in Maths this term are: 

Measures: Time

  • Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times

Multiplication and Division

  • Solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher

Addition and Subtraction


  • Add and subtract 1-digit and 2-digit numbers to 20, including zero

Consolidate Number 

  • Recap learning involving place value; addition and subtraction and fractions 

Consolidate Measure

  • Recap learning involving length; weight and mass; capacity and volume; time and money 


We will also be continue to: 

  • read and write numbers to 100 in figures 
  • count on and back in 1s from any one or two-digit number 
  • count on and back in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 
  • recall addition and subtraction facts to 20
  • add and subtract single digit number from any number to 20



Making Connections: Investigating Science through Stories 

- Do taller trees have wider trunks? 

- Comparing Woodland Animals 

- Measuring Animal Footprints 

- Building an Animal Home

- Are birds carnivores, herbivores or omnivores? 



What does it mean to belong to a faith community? 

This term in RE, we will thinking about how different faiths welcome a new baby and how people of different faiths show that the belong to one another. We will then start to look for similarities and differences between two different baptisms and think about why people choose to make promises to one another get married. 



What is it like to live in Shanghai? 

This term in Geography, we are going to

During the unit, the children will: 

  • give examples of human and physical features
  • use an aerial photograph to locate physical and human features
  • use an atlas to locate the UK and China on a world map
  • use an atlas to locate Europe and Asia on a world map
  • identify China’s physical and human geography
  • identify physical and human features in images of Shanghai
  • compare Shanghai to their locality



Enrichment and Transition

This term in PSHE, we are going to be learning about sun safety, water safety and begin to think about transition to Year 2. By the end of term, the children will be able to: 

  • understand the risks associated with the sun
  • understand how to reduce the risk of sun damage 
  • explain safe and unsafe exposure to skin 
  • understand the risks associated with water 
  • understand that everyone has different strengths
  • explain some of the skills I have developed in Year 1
  • identify positives and challenges of moving to a new class



Indoor PE: Dance

Outdoor PE: Athletics

We will have Indoor PE on a Monday and Outdoor PE on a Thursday.


Forest School will be on Thursday 13th June, Thursday 27th June, and Thursday 11th July. 


Year 1 Knowledge Organisers for Term 6



Games to Support at Home


Phonics Bloom has a variety of online games that help with sound recognition.


Oxford Owl has a selection of e-books your child can read online. Many come with some comprehension activities to support your child's understanding of the text. There is also a helpful section for parents that shows how to pronounce sounds.


Top Marks has lots of Maths games related to topics we cover in Year 1. 

Check back here for photos... 

  • Barming Pre-School and Primary School,
  • Belmont Close, Barming,
  • Maidstone, Kent,
  • ME16 9DY
  • 01622 726472