Term 2
This term our topic is 'Festivals and Celebrations'. We are celebrating the diversity of the children in our classes this term by looking at some of the festivals and celebrations they participate in as a family at this time of year. We will be learning about Bonfire Night and festivals such as Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas.
Through varied, practical Maths activities the children will continue to practise counting groups of objects as well as recognising how many are in a set without counting, number recognition, 1 more/less, counting forwards and backwards, 2D shapes, positional language and daily routines.
In our Phonics sessions the children will continue to learn set 1 sounds, word building by segmenting then blending and reading CVC words. We will also be using the sounds we have learnt in our writing to write labels and captions.
The children will continue to have the opportunity to take part in Forest School Style activities in both the Mud Kitchen and bottom field area every Wednesday. Please remember warm waterproof clothing as the weather gets colder and wetter.