Sport Premium Funding - What is it?
Schools receive PE and Sport Premium Funding based on the number of pupils in Years 1 to 6.
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport.
This means that we should use the premium to:
There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:
The effect of the Sports Premium on pupil’s PE and sports participation and attainment at Barming Pre-School and Primary School
Every year, our main aim is to use our Sports Premium funding to improve participation and attainment in physical activity and physical education. This year, we will replenish any old equipment whilst also making changes to out outdoor areas, allowing them to be used throughout the year. By doing this, we should see an increase in participation in PE lessons, as well as greater uptake in the after school clubs offered.
National curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety | Please complete all of the below*: |
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? | 60% |
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]? | 54% |
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? | 38% |
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way? | No |