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Barming Pre-School and Primary School

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible And Make Good Choices

Barming Pre-School and Primary School

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible And Make Good Choices

Last day for Term 3 Friday 14th February 2025 - Term 4 starts Monday 24th February and finishes Friday 4th April 2025
Welcome to Barming Pre-School and Primary School
We are a 2 form entry primary school on the outskirts of Maidstone. It is a co-educational school for children aged 2 to 11 years old. There are currently 416 children on roll.
A Message from the Headteacher
Barming Primary School has so much to offer. Everyone is welcome and children are encouraged to flourish and achieve their goals. Come and find out what we are all about!
Orchard Academy Trust
Barming Primary School is an Academy and is part of the Orchard Trust family of schools. The Trust currently consists of Allington Primary School and Barming Primary School.

Home Learning



Websites your children may need to access for weekly Home Learning:


Purple Mash Access:

Please click below on the link to access:


Times Table Rock Stars Access:

Please click below on the link to access:

Websites for learning even more at home...... should you wish..... 


The following websites have access to online resources and although they have been checked as suitable for children to use, please do check the resources your child is accessing because sometimes websites can change content and adverts may vary. Every effort has been made to check websites, however we are not certain whether they will all work on the variety of tablets and mobile phones that are available. 


Some of the websites included, especially the wider curriculum links, have access to information for all ages of primary school. We have tried to give guidance for which websites may be useful depending on the age of your child, however please feel free to use your judgement of your child’s ability within that area of learning. 


The BBC has vast amounts of information on its website and many educational programmes on cbbc or CBeebies, including Alphablocks, Numberblocks, Horrible Histories, Story time and The Zoo. Please also remember that there are companies out there offering free access to their resources at the moment- Twinkl and Scholastic are two that spring readily to mind.


Kiddle is a child friendly search engine that children can use Although it is child friendly, not all websites that will come up have been checked by school so please support your child when searching online.


If you are looking for something more active to do indoors too, please have a look at Youtube for Cosmic Yoga or Just Dance Kids- they are both great!

Youtube also have great tutorials for drawing so these would definitely be worth seeking out if you want a more settled activity!


Website link and brief description of activities available

Please remember that the first 3 on the list are used by school- the children will have login details for them to access them at home.


How independently can this be used?








The children can use this independently- there are lots of games and revision activities for some aspects of the curriculum. We do not have a school login, sorry.





The children can use this independently- many of them enjoy the challenge of earning points to update their Avatar.





There are lessons that the children can follow but many of them may need adult support for further explanation.


This website has some free and some subscription games for sounding and blending. It also has games for sorting real and nonsense words.  The website is currently offering free access to its subscription services and there is a username and password provided. 




Activities ready to be clicked on. 


Option to log in to access more resources. 


This website has comics which are short stories written with a specific group of letters/phonics target. They can be read and discussed with your child. 




Children can read independently but many younger children will need to be supported.  


You will need to create an account to access this website. 

There are lots of activities but also access to books from all reading band colours. The ebooks will read the story when clicked on but do not read continuously. There are also interactive resources for maths. Although this website is great you may need to adjust your screen to see the whole window. 




Login needs to be set up. We do not have a school login, sorry.

Resources accessible when logged in. 

IT skills may be needed to adjust the screen. 


This website provides links to other websites with information as well as links to educational games. You can select the subject and age of the child or type in a specific activity. Some of the websites on this list have been found using this site to search. It also tells you whether a site is tablet-friendly or not. 




This is a search site. Adult guidance needed as resources go up to secondary level. 


This is a good activity for practising number facts. Smaller children may not understand the concept until they are shown. There are various levels and questions to support knowledge of number facts from Year 1 to Year 4. 




Once the child knows how to play, it is independently accessible. 


This website year 3 use regularly to give the children 10 questions with a set time limit. The levels correspond roughly to the yeargroups and there are lots of questions. If you child finds being timed too much then clicking on manual allows them to work out the answer and then click next. This is great for those in KS2 learning times tables with a time limit for the answer. 




This is straight forward to use and older children will learn how to navigate this very quickly. 


This website has lots of interactive games linked to the curriculum including phonics, number bonds and spelling of common exception words for years 1-4. Personal favourite games include ‘save the whale’ for number bonds, ‘dinosaur eggs’ for phonics and ‘counting caterpillar’ for ordering numbers. 

Because this is a teaching website not all of the activities are interactive games, some are teaching resources to demonstrate learning on an interactive board. 




Easy to access and use.  Games not organised in ability or year groups. 


Some activities are teaching tools rather than activities for the children. 


This website has links for each Key stage and interactive activities to support learning. Drop down menus give a way of identifying the areas of learning (not available for EYFS). 




Easy to use and interactive games. It needs flash player to work. 


Aimed at children in EYFS this website has links to online games but also links to activity suggestions. Some of this is aimed at children in nursery so may be useful for younger siblings. 



Adults will need to support their child. Easy to use. 


This website has competitive games for practising recall of facts under time pressure. Although they are fun, please only use the number facts as the money and spellings are American. 



Easy to use - adult selection over tasks as it is an American website. 


This website contains printables, interactive activities and other resources that may be useful for children in EYFS and Year 1. 




Adult supervision to read activities with your child. 



Other websites for other subjects and for other skills. 



Mainly aimed at KS2 children this site has information and activities linking to Egypt, Teeth and Healthy Eating, The Body and French. 

There is information to read and activities to complete to support subject knowledge. 



This is easy to navigate but not all content is related to the KS2 curriculum - adult guidance is recommended. 

SCIENCE - Nature

This website contains lots of information about wildlife in the UK. It has information on different species and how to identify them. 

It also has a link to a live camera watching ospreys and information on the environment. 



This website has activities on for all ages and the information could be accessed by KS2 children. 


There are activities to help improve typing skills. There are videos to explain these. also has different levels to practise touch typing. 




This is only usable on a PC and has restricted content because there is a subscription to access more. 


Scratch is a great website for coding and programming. The children from Y2 up have used it during their computing sessions. The ideas tab at the top gives access to tutorials that the children could follow to create a code. 




Although children can enjoy playing with this website independently, the tutorials will support them in learning new skills. 


This website provides information for research under the ‘discover’ tab and also under the ‘resource’ tab there are activity ideas as well as information. There is information for many subject areas but ther text can be complicated to understand. 




Adult guidance and support will be needed to understand text for many pupils. 


This website has searchable topics and information on lots of different learning areas. It is not organised by year group or subject but rather in topic areas. You can search information or click on interesting icons. 

Some of the video links are youtube so may not work if your child does not have access to this. 



Easy for older children to navigate independently. Text can be difficult to read. 

Please be mindful that there are many topics and not all will be appropriate for your child. 


This website has been designed in a game format to teach aspects of safety online. Here is more information about the content of the website. 



Although this is able to be used by older children independently, the issues that arise should be discussed so they can ask questions relating to staying safe online. 


This website is user friendly and the children will enjoy learning about space. Although this isn’t on the curriculum until year 5, the children are supposed to learn about what keeps humans, animals and plants alive and therefore thinking about the lack of life in space can be a way in to discussing this. The image of the day section of the website is a great thing to look at to talk about our world. 



This website will need adult support because the tabs at the top are easy to click on and will take you away from the kids section.


This website contains lots of information organised into categories for research. It has pictures and text which can vary in how difficult it is to navigate and read. 

Children in year 1 and 2 could be read information off this site but many would struggle to access this independently. 



Older children could navigate this independently but some will need support. 

However, screen time for the entire length of the school day can have a negative effect on children's wellbeing. So here are some non-screen activities you could do at home…


Here are 25 fun and meaningful ideas to choose from:

  1. How many different words can you make from the letters in this sentence, below? Grab a pencil and paper and write a list!
    ‘Learning from home is fun’
  2. Thank a community hero. Think of someone that helps you in some way and write a short letter to thank them.
  3. Get building! You could build a Lego model, a tower of playing cards or something else!
  4. Can you create your own secret code? You could use letters, numbers, pictures or something else! Can you get someone else to try and crack it?
  5. Start a nature diary. Look out of the window each day and keep note
    of what you see. Birds, flowers, changes in the weather, what else?
  6. Hold a photo session. Use a camera or a mobile phone to take some snaps. What will you photograph? Your pets or toys perhaps?
  7. Build a reading den. Find somewhere cosy, snuggle up and read your favourite book!
  8. Use an old sock to create a puppet. Can you put on a puppet show for someone?
  9. Make a list of all the electrical items in each room of your home. Can you come up with any ideas to use less electricity?
  10. Design and make a homemade board game and play it with your family.
  11. Do something kind for someone. Can you pay them a compliment, make them something or help them with a task?
  12. Can you create a story bag? Find a bag and collect items to go in it that relate to a well-known story. If you can’t find an item, you could draw a picture to include.
  13. List making! Write a list of things that make you happy, things you’re grateful for or things you are good at.
  14. Design and make an obstacle course at home or in the garden. How fast can you complete it?
  15. Can you invent something new? Perhaps a gadget or something to help people? Draw a picture or write a description.
  16. Keep moving! Make up a dance routine to your favourite song.
  17. Write a play script. Can you act it out to other people?
  18. Read out loud to someone. Remember to read with expression.
  19. Write a song or rap about your favourite subject.
  20. Get sketching! Find a photograph or picture of a person, place or object and sketch it.
  21. Junk modelling! Collect and recycle materials such as yoghurt pots, toilet rolls and boxes and see what you can create with them.
  22. Draw a map of your local area and highlight interesting landmarks.
  23. Write a postcard to your teacher. Can you tell them what you like most about their class?
  24. Draw a view. Look out of your window and draw what you see.
  25. Get reading! What would you most like to learn about? Can you find out more about it in books? Perhaps you can find a new hobby?

Is it SNOWING???


Some activities you can do:


KS1 Activities ( Year 1 and Year 2)

  • Build a Snow Person with your family.
  • Use your body to make a Snow Angel.
  • Can you make a snowflake out of paper?
  • Can you retell the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
  • Polar Express - Have your children create a train and pretend you are off on an adventure!
  • Have an indoor picnic as a family - create finger sandwiches and make cookies!
  • Make homemade play dough - 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, 2 tbsp. cream of tartar, 2 tbsp. oil, 1 cup water food coloring (optional), Scent (cinnamon, vanilla, mint, etc. – also optional). In a saucepan, mix flour, salt, cream of tartar, scent ingredient, and oil. Slowly mix in water until it’s all smooth. Then turn the heat on medium and stir until it forms a ball of dough. I used a heat-resistant rubber spatula so I could scrape the bottom of the pan easily. Once it’s a ball, plop it onto some wax paper until it’s cool enough for you to touch.
  • Computer fun -  
  • Facetime/Zoom your Grandparents and catch up as a family!


You can also visit your year group page for further activities...


KS2 Activities ( Year 3 and Year 4)

  • Build a Snow Person with your family.
  • Use your body to make a Snow Angel.
  • Can you make a snowflake out of paper?
  • Imagine you are stuck in a Snow Globe  - What would you do?
  • Can you write about the life cycle of a snowman?
  • Can you retell the story of the Snow Queen?
  • Facetime/Zoom your Grandparents and catch up as a family!
  • Feed the birds.. Make a bird feeder!
  • Create a treasure hunt for your brothers and sisters to complete around the house.


You can also visit your year group page for further activities...


KS2 Activities (Year 5 and Year 6)

  • Build a Snow sculpture with your family.
  • Use your body to make a Snow Angel family.
  • Can you make a snowflake out of paper? How many holes can you cut into it without it breaking?
  • Imagine you are stuck in a Snow Globe - What would you do?
  • Can you make your own Snow Globe using a jar, glitter and Christmas decorations?
  • Facetime/Zoom your Grandparents and catch up as a family!
  • Create a treasure hunt for your brothers and sisters to complete around the house.


You can also visit your year group page for further activities...

  • Barming Pre-School and Primary School,
  • Belmont Close, Barming,
  • Maidstone, Kent,
  • ME16 9DY
  • 01622 726472