Term 3
This term sees the start of our 'Frozen' topic.
During this term we will be looking at the Arctic and Antarctic, polar landscapes, the animals (polar bears and penguins) and learning about the Aurora Borealis.
In Maths we will be practising our number skills still counting. We will be looking at the patterns of numbers up to 20.
As tehy move through the term they will be developing their counting skills, organising and counting larger sets of objects.
Our daily Phonics lessons will continue to introduce new sounds and practise word building using our word time . We will also begin to focus on writing labels and simple sentences with a capital letter and full stop.
Throughout the week your child will be heard reading at least once, please be aware your child’s reading group may change this term. It would be fantastic if you could hear your child read their reading book a little bit, every day. This helps your child to practise the sounds and words we are teaching them in school and also help them to grow in confidence and foster a love of reading. Please record in their yellow reading records how they are reading at home, we love to hear about their achievements (and their struggles) so we can further support your child.
We have also started PE this term. We will be following the Write Dance programme, matching movements to music and 'scrimbling' (mark making). Write dance is a programme which develops gross and fine motor skills, whilst being active and developing writing skills.
Forest School styled learning will continue to take place every Wednesday as usual. Please remember it is quite cold and your child will need extra layers as well as a warm, waterproof coat.