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Barming Pre-School and Primary School

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible And Make Good Choices

Barming Pre-School and Primary School

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible And Make Good Choices

Term 3 Monday 6th January 2025 and finishes on Friday 14th February 2025
Welcome to Barming Pre-School and Primary School
We are a 2 form entry primary school on the outskirts of Maidstone. It is a co-educational school for children aged 2 to 11 years old. There are currently 416 children on roll.
A Message from the Headteacher
Barming Primary School has so much to offer. Everyone is welcome and children are encouraged to flourish and achieve their goals. Come and find out what we are all about!
Orchard Academy Trust
Barming Primary School is an Academy and is part of the Orchard Trust family of schools. The Trust currently consists of Allington Primary School and Barming Primary School.


Summer Reading Challenge 2024



It's that time of year again when we can see how many books we can read and share over the summer break!


The Summer Reading Challenge is on its way.  Launching in Kent libraries on Sat 6 July “Marvellous Makers” will be a celebration of the creative arts, inspiring children to express themselves in creative ways, tap into a world of imagination and storytelling, and of course to read.  When they join Marvellous Makers, children aged 4 to 11 will be introduced to brand-new characters for this year, brought to life by the brilliant children’s illustrator, Natelle Quek.


The challenge runs for 9 weeks beginning Saturday 6 July until Saturday 7 September with a variety of free and fun events taking place in libraries across the county.


The Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest reading for pleasure programme for children aged 4 to 11.  Produced by the Reading Agency and delivered annually in partnership with libraries.  Across Kent last year, 18,143 participants took part in the Summer Reading Challenge including 2,911 children who joined the library to take part.  While it’s a fun free activity for children across the county, it plays an important part in overcoming the summer reading dip and ensuring children are ready for School in September.  


Children aged 4 to 11 sign up through their local Kent library and receive a collector’s poster. They are set a reading goal and borrow books of their choice during the summer, collecting special stickers and incentives along the way.

Library staff and volunteers help children to discover new books that suit their interests and reading level and run a programme of free themed activities in libraries.  Children who complete the six-book challenge are presented with a certificate and medal.


Children can take part online, too!


I look forward seeing how well the children get on in September.


Miss Russell





At Barming Primary School, the intent of our Reading curriculum is to deliver a curriculum that instils a lifelong love of literature in our children through reading for pleasure.   We strongly believe that it is every child’s right to learn to read and to develop an enjoyment of reading.   Our children have access to a wide range of high-quality texts both in the class libraries and the year group phase libraries.  Through reading a wide range of texts both for personal enjoyment and quality texts shared in whole class guided reading lessons, pupils at Barming Primary School have opportunities to develop their cultural, emotional, moral, social and spiritual understanding of the world. 


Our Reading curriculum intentions are to:


  • apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words
  • develop stamina to read easily, fluently and with good understanding
  • acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading and which act as models for their own writing
  • appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage and understand/internalise the structure of texts
  • link texts to the children’s own experiences, learning or topical issues
  • use discussion to develop an understanding of author intent, critical thinking – reading to provoke thought in children
  • develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information




Early Years and Key Stage One (Years 1 & 2):


  • Teachers teach using the systematic synthetic programme, Read Write Inc.: Phonics and use a detailed, step-by-step teaching scheme.   Children are first taught simple GPCs, to accurately blend taught sounds, to decode simple words containing taught graphemes and then to read specifically designed books that match their knowledge of phonics and the common exception words.
  • Children are asked key questions using the specifically designed books to support their understanding of the text.
  • Pupils are taught in small homogenous, flexible groups, across Years R, 1 and 2, which align to the standards they achieve in phonics.
  • Children are regularly assessed by the reading leaders to ascertain progress and ensure the programme is matched to their attainment.   Where needed, 1:1 interventions are put in place.
  • Teaching staff will use RWI resources and follow detailed lesson plans to maintain the consistency of the teaching of reading across every lesson.   


Whole Class Book Share Session:


  • Key texts shared in classes through the week in addition to the core Read Write Inc. texts shared.  Children are encouraged to make predictions, share character feelings and thoughts.
  • Sessions encourage book talk and enjoyment of a range of texts.
  • Teachers and children use actions to reinforce meaning and emphasise key language patterns.
  • On some occasions, the teacher will ask questions to check understanding and develop children’s knowledge of stories.


Key Stage Two:


Whole Class Reading:


Each of our classes are taught in a whole class reading lesson based on their class text in a daily 30 minute lesson.  Our children are taught through our READS sequence. 


For those children who are working out of key stage, and/or in which the complexity of a novel may not be understood, additional text share of alternative texts may be provided as well as providing additional support in Read Write Inc Phonics if children still need to develop their decoding or fluency skills.


The READS sequence lessons will vary depending on the reading aspect being taught and the purpose. One full sequence will cover lessons throughout one school week.  


Our READS Sequence represents:


Role model reading

An opportunity for the children to hear adults reading aloud to the class to model prosody, fluency, expression and intonation.  Children participating in the repetition of reading texts using choral and paired reading to help develop fluency in their reading.  Sessions allow children to practise using repeated reading of an extract or same passage to demonstrate how fluency can then allow them to make meaning.  Allows them to build stamina in reading passages. Mixed ability pairs.


Extended read

An opportunity for more teacher modelling, ‘thinking aloud’ when encountering a new word/phrase.  Using etymology of words.  Modelling how to make meaning.  Allow children to build stamina in reading longer passages.   Teacher continuing to read aloud as well as choral and paired reading.


Analyse reading

A sustained, detailed analysis of a short text or extract.  Opportunities to begin discussion of themes, vocabulary choices, literary devices, plot points or character analysis (not all in one week!).  For example, could be author’s use of metaphors or identifying where/how an author is building suspense.


Discuss reading

An opportunity to discuss a particular focus or aspect of the extract or text as a whole.  Opportunities for whole class discussions and debates about key questions for consideration. Paired and group discussion. 

Responding to a question and finding evidence to justify opinions and responses. Find it and respond orally.  Reasoning and making links to other texts they know as well as knowledge of the world. 


Summarise learning

Summaries could be in the form of a written response or a response that could include:

  • Graphic organiser
  • Venn Diagram
  • Thought bubbles
  • Facts/opinion tables
  • Using evidence to support answer
  • Character in role questions.
  • Summarising short paragraphs – key words etc.
  • Visualising – drawing an image


Throughout all lessons, there will be lots of opportunity for discussion in making predictions, drawing inferences, grammar and punctuation, vocabulary development, features of the text type, questioning, making links with existing knowledge of other texts, summarising, fluency, intonation, character and plot development as well as an interweaving with the children's writing skills and the use of the WRITE sequence.


Reading for pleasure – at school and at home:


EYFS, Years 1 & 2

Individual Reading In Years R - 2 provides opportunity for the children to be provided with two books per week.   One of these books will be closely matched to their phonic/reading ability and will be a book from the Read, Write Inc. Phonics programme.  The other book is chosen by the child and may or may not be phonetically decodable.   The second book is to be shared with the adults at home for enjoyment.


Key Stage Two

Children in Years 3 - 6 will have opportunities to access books from class or year group phase libraries.   Children are heard to read at least once over a 2 week period.   For those children continuing to develop their fluency, they will be heard to read more often by both the class teacher and teaching assistant.


During 1:1 reading sessions, adults will be assessing fluency which will also be demonstrated through correct expression, intonation and pace to reflect the content of the novel.  Children will be signposted to alternative texts where needed.  




The impact of our reading curriculum is:

  • Children will know all 44 sounds and the corresponding letters/letter groups using simple picture prompts.   Children will read words using sound blending.
  • Children will become fluent readers.   Fluency will also be demonstrated through correct expression, intonation and pace to reflect the content of the novel.
  • More children will opt for high-quality texts when choosing a new novel to read.   Children will have developed life-long reading skills, improving their ability and confidence to read a text.
  • Children will have increased their familiarity with different question types and will develop their comprehension skills including author intent and critical thinking.   This will result in improved summative assessment scores.
  • Children will be able to reflect on their own experiences in relation to the texts shared and discuss the comparisons.
  • Children will develop a wide vocabulary base on which to draw from when developing their own written and verbal compositions.
  • Children will have an increased knowledge of text types and story structure.


 We want all our children to be able to articulate how they are taught reading and how this impacts the choices they make as a reader.  Children are being prepared for the next stage of their education through this thorough cohesive approach so that they can read at an age-appropriate level and fluency.   This is to ensure that they can access the wider curriculum.




2023 - 24 Recommended Reads


We have been very fortunate this year to introduce over 400 new titles to our phase library areas in Years 3 & 4 and Years 5 & 6.  We want the children to be enthused about books they are reading and have introduced new novels in a range of genres, non-fiction titles based on current affairs and interests of our children, poetry and graphic novels.  In our corridor library in Years 1 & 2, the children have a huge choice of different books that appeal to their interest to share and enjoy at home.  In addition, the children also bring home their Read Write Inc Phonics book to be read which will be matched to their phonic knowledge.


The book titles filling our shelves are based on the recommended reading lists generated by the Reader Teacher.  Please see the recommended reading lists for years 3-6.  How many has your child read?  

Check out new release recommendations and suggestions at following website:

  • Barming Pre-School and Primary School,
  • Belmont Close, Barming,
  • Maidstone, Kent,
  • ME16 9DY
  • 01622 726472