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Barming Pre-School and Primary School

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible And Make Good Choices

Barming Pre-School and Primary School

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible And Make Good Choices

Term 3 Monday 6th January 2025 and finishes on Friday 14th February 2025
Welcome to Barming Pre-School and Primary School
We are a 2 form entry primary school on the outskirts of Maidstone. It is a co-educational school for children aged 2 to 11 years old. There are currently 416 children on roll.
A Message from the Headteacher
Barming Primary School has so much to offer. Everyone is welcome and children are encouraged to flourish and achieve their goals. Come and find out what we are all about!
Orchard Academy Trust
Barming Primary School is an Academy and is part of the Orchard Trust family of schools. The Trust currently consists of Allington Primary School and Barming Primary School.

Computing and Online Safety




At Barming Pre-School and Primary School, we believe that computing is an integral part of modern-day life and therefore we aim to equip children with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in a rapidly changing technological world. By the time they leave our school, children will have gained key knowledge and skills in the three main areas of the computing curriculum: computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work); information technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information) and digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully).   We plan that through regularly exposing the children to ‘computational thinking’ in how to approach devices in a logical way, children will be able to apply their understanding to any technology that they encounter either now or in their future.   In addition to acknowledging the huge potential of technology, we teach our children to understand the challenges and problems it can create, respecting the role technology can have as well as behaving responsibly while using it. We teach them to become good digital citizens, to know how to stay safe and keep others safe online, to be aware of the need to test out what and who they see and the importance of what they share in creating their own digital footprint.




We believe that children should be using computers from an early age to help improve their skills when navigating and using devices. As a result of this belief, across the school, from EYFS through to Year 6, the children all have access to computers and iPads. Computing is implemented across all aspects of our school curriculum: Our Early Years children use the Smartboard for interactive games. Year 1 and 2 use ‘Numbots’ in Maths, Year 3 to Year 6 use ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ and iPads are used in other areas of the curriculum to support the children’s learning, for example we use them for Numberstacks, to support SEND children and as part of our lessons to enhance learning such as researching!


At Barming Pre-School and Primary School, we believe that a clear and effective scheme of work that provides coverage in line with the National Curriculum is essential to meet the requirements of our children in order to become responsible citizens. To ensure that children are being exposed to high-quality lessons focusing on the skills and knowledge required to be successful ‘computational thinkers’, we have invested in Purple Mash. This progressive curriculum ensures that all key areas of the computing curriculum are taught and revisited during a child's primary school years. This allows our children to develop their learning every year, building on their vocabulary and to also practice skills where they may not be as confident and progress their knowledge and skills even further in areas they do feel confident.


We strive to keep children safe online and provide them with the knowledge and tools to do so.   We will also empower parents, carers and the wider community with up-to-date information regarding keeping children safe online. We recognise the unique contribution that e-learning makes to the motivation and effectiveness of learners in our school and the role that the school has in preparing pupils for their future by improving their knowledge and understanding of how technology is an aid to learning.


In addition to the weekly Computing lessons, we also take part in the National Safer Internet Day in February. Additional lessons take place on this day to further promote the importance of staying safe online. To support with these activities the Year 6 Digital Leaders are used.


The Digital Leaders are selected annually and play a role in supporting the teaching of Computing across the school. They have a good understanding of Computing and are happy to discuss with children any issues they may have had online.




Our Computing Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression and build on and embed current skills. We focus on progression of knowledge and skills in the different computational components.


We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:


  • Pupil voice.
  • Opportunities for dialogue between teachers.
  • A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes.
  • Use of low stake quizzes to establish children’s confidence with different topics.
  • Learning walks and reflective staff feedback (teacher voice).
  • Monitoring of children’s work – most examples saved as 2Dos on Purple Mash.


End of unit opportunities for children to share top tips and elements they have learnt during the units teaching and activities.

The Importance of Monitoring Your Child's Technology Use


In our modern world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering tremendous benefits and opportunities for learning and growth. As educators and caretakers, we strive to harness these technological advancements to support your child's education and development. However, it's essential to recognise the potential risks associated with unrestricted and unmonitored technology use among children.


While the digital landscape offers incredible resources and entertainment, it also presents challenges that can impact your child's well-being, including:


  • Online Safety: The internet can expose children to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, or interactions with strangers. Monitoring their online activities allows you to safeguard them from potential risks and guide them on responsible online behaviour.
  • Excessive Screen Time: Extended periods of screen time can affect your child's physical health, mental well-being, and academic performance. Monitoring their technology use helps in balancing screen time with other enriching activities like outdoor play, reading, or hobbies.
  • Impact on Mental Health: Continuous exposure to social media, video games, or certain online content can have a profound impact on mental health, leading to stress, anxiety, or feelings of inadequacy. Monitoring enables you to recognise any negative patterns and intervene when necessary.
  • Educational Focus: Unrestricted access to technology might lead to distractions, affecting your child's concentration and academic progress. Setting limits and monitoring their use can help maintain a healthy balance between learning and entertainment.


As parents, your involvement and guidance play a pivotal role in shaping your child's relationship with technology. Here are some practical tips to consider:


  • Establish Clear Rules: Set clear guidelines regarding when, where, and how long your child can use devices. Create technology-free zones, such as during mealtimes or before bedtime.
  • Communicate Openly: Foster open communication about their online experiences. Encourage your child to share any concerns or encounters they may have while using technology.
  • Use Parental Controls: Utilise parental control features available on devices and applications to restrict access to age-inappropriate content and monitor their online activities.
  • Lead by Example: Model healthy technology habits yourself by demonstrating responsible and limited use of devices.


By actively monitoring your child's technology use, you can create a safer and more balanced environment for their growth and development.


Thank you for your attention to this matter. Together, we can work towards ensuring that technology remains a tool for enrichment and learning in your child's life.


Questions to ask yourself?

Have you thought about where your child is using technology - is it in a communal area or thin their bedroom?

Do you know what your children are looking at online?

Are you aware of how old you should be to use Facebook? Snapchat? Whatsapp?

Do you have security settings at home on your computer?


Click here for support and advice for parents.


You can also speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss Rootes (Deputy Headteacher) or Deputies Mr Laker (Headteacher), Mrs Rathbone (Key Stage 2 Lead), Mrs Murray (Key Stage 1 Lead),Miss Cook (EYFS),  Mrs Stere (Inclusion Lead) or Mrs Darby (FSW) if you have any concerns or worries.


The Safeguarding / Child Protection and Online Safety named Governor is Revd Wil North.


The Computing Lead is Mr Hale


Digital Parenting Magazine - This is an online safety guide for parents with weekly newsletters to keep you up-to-date with how to keep your family safe online.


Want to find out more about how to keep your family safe online. Visit this extremely helpful blog - The Ultimate Parent Guide for Protecting Your Child on the Internet (Disclaimer - Please be aware this is not written by school staff or the Trust).


Click here to see the advice we are giving your children!

Year 3 using simulation to create their very own games which they shared with their peers.

Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 7th February 2023

Last year we participated in Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7th February. We joined over 170 countries and over half of the children in the UK in celebrating this day. This is the 20th year Safer Internet Day has been celebrated.

The theme of last year’s Safer Internet Day was ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.

In school we had an assembly for both Key Stages focusing on how we use and enjoy the internet and what to do if things go wrong. For the children the key message has been to talk to someone about it; this can be any adult in school or someone at home.

Following this the children carried out activities in class which have re-emphasised this message. Please see an example below from Year 2:-


Our Digital Leaders also visited the Year 1 and 2 classes to share a story about how to stay safe online. 


Please discuss this important element of your children’s learning at home. Safer Internet Day 2023 can be a springboard for conversations that shape how we talk about and respond to online issues, not just for one day, but throughout the whole year.

Year 5 Digital Leaders for 2024 to 2025:


  • Sophia
  • Niya
  • Leo
  • Evie


Net Aware App


Click the useful link above to find out more about how to keep your children safe online.

You can also download the app to your Smart phone to give you instant information about different Apps your child/ren could be using... Do you know all the Apps your child is currently using on their phone?

Click here to view useful links to organisations who provide advice to parents/carers.

  • Click here for articles from Parent Info on how your children can stay safe online.

Cybersense – a New App for Parents/Carers from Internet Matters

CyberSense is Intern Matters’ new app designed to help parents and carers talk about online safety issues with their children to ensure that they make smart choices to stay safe online.


The app is aimed at children aged between 8-10 to help them think about what they would do if they were faced with different situations online; from cyberbullying to sharing content with someone they don’t know.

The App includes a quiz that is played on a tablet with a split screen. This is mainly to encourage parents/carers and children to answer the questions at the same time to help create talking points around different e-Safety scenarios. At the end of each quiz, depending on how many question have been answered correctly, you are rewarded with a specific amount time to play a fun game together.

The app is a great way for parents/carers to get talking with their children about practical ways to be resilient and get the best out of the internet. Schools and settings may wish to highlight this app to their communities.

The app can be downloaded for free on the iTunes app store and Google Play store.

New Internet Matters Resources for Parents/Carers – ‘Protect their Curiosity’

Internet Matters has launched a campaign urging parents to put parental controls on all internet-enabled devices to protect their children from harmful content. The safety group is backed by the UK’s largest broadband providers: BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media.

The campaign, called Protect their Curiosity, uses a series of four hard-hitting short videos to explore some of the biggest concerns around internet protection for parents/carers including gaming, searching and sexting.

Internet Matters general manager Carolyn Bunting said: “The videos might be uncomfortable viewing, but we wanted to show the reality of how a child’s innocent curiosity can turn into a distressing experience in just one click. Kids want to use the web in safety. They don’t want to be scared of what they might click on. A big step towards this lies with parents switching on every parental control available.”

‘Keep your children safe online’ from the Kent Safeguarding Children Board

Click here to download a copy.

Be Share Aware


NSPCC: LATEST E-Safety Guidance for parents and carers from the NSPCC. Click here to find out more about their “Share-Aware” campaign developed with Mumsnet.

Kent County Council

Other useful links

Surfing with security

  • Treat the online world as you would the real world: make sure you know something about what your children are doing.
  • Ask your children to show you at least some of what they do a computer, but respect their right to privacy.
  • Put the family computer in a public place.
  • Use a filtering programme to make sure your children can’t access potentially disturbing content online.
  • Treat the internet primarily as a resource. If your children use it to help each other with their homework, for example, ask how best to manage that, rather than assuming it’s a bad thing.


CEOP Button

Reporting Online Abuse

CEOP links encourage all organisations that have an online presence, where children and young people congregate, to adopt the CEOP ‘Report Abuse’ mechanism.


Report Abuse Button

This is not designed to replace existing reporting mechanisms, but is intended to deal with specific threats from individuals who seek to use the online environment to access young people and children for sexual purposes.



By implementing the ‘report abuse’ button, children and young people on our blog and sites will be empowered to report suspicious individuals or behaviour directly to law enforcement quickly and easily.  The reports come directly to CEOP/Police intelligence centre and the team there are then in best place to analyse, assess and take appropriate action according to the perceived risk and threat to an individual child.  


Information and analysis of these reports can then shape the future development of services reducing the potential threat and harm to children.


THE CEOP Report button is freely available on our school site, just in case it is needed.


Photos of Computing

  • Barming Pre-School and Primary School,
  • Belmont Close, Barming,
  • Maidstone, Kent,
  • ME16 9DY
  • 01622 726472